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Different spot the difference games 

We were going there to find the news station that covered the boat explosion. We would then find out who the man who lied about the boat explosion was. We could then find him and question him about why he lied and what he knew about me. When we got to Alemande, Jonah and Donovan took off in the boat to fish. Tyler and I went to the Alemande News Center. The building was in the middle of the city and a while to get there. We kept out of sight for the most part because we did not want anyone to recognize us. The news on the Vaillancourt explosion would have spread to a lot of different places by now and people would be on the lookout for the remaining mafia members.


We kept to the alleys and made our way to the news building. We soon arrived at the Alemande News building. It was one of the larger buildings in Alemande, but not as big as a lot of the buildings in West City. We walked in through the large glass doors. Inside, there were lots of chairs and tables. This was the lobby of the building spot the difference game we wanted to find the archives. I deduced that any one of the staff members would know where it was and all we had to do was ask them.


A woman was behind a counter at the far end of the room. We made our way there. Hello, how can I help you? The woman at the counter asked. We need to see the archives, I told her. I can’t let you into that area unless you are detectives or part of the news corporation. Sorry, she said. Tyler stepped up. What’s your name? He asked.


It took us spot the difference game


This was one of the mafia's methods of intimidation. Priya, she said, pointing to her name tag. Listen, Pryuh, he said, horribly spot the difference game mispronouncing her name, we need to see the archives now because someone lied about the boat explosion that happened about a year ago. So, it would be in your best interest to let us in. Okay? She rolled her eyes before answering Tyler. You listen, sir. We can’t let you in unless you are a cop or a reporter. So, it would be in your best interest to just get out of here.


Okay? She said with an attitude that only angered Tyler. Let’s get out of here, I said to Tyler. He was reluctant, but came with me. We threw open the large glass doors and stomped out of the building. Why did you give up like that, kid? Tyler asked me, still angry. I did not give up. I just found a better way to do it, I said, pointing to the fire escape on the side of the building. Oh.


Heh heh, good idea, Tyler said with a chuckle. We went to the side of the building. I grabbed a dumpster and pulled it over to the fire escape spot the difference game tyler got on top of it and tried to reach the escape. Still, too far, kid, he said, attempting to jump and grab the hanging ladder. I walked over and grabbed another dumpster. I pushed it next to the other one. Then, I used all my strength and picked up the dumpster and put it on the other one. Tyler looked at me with amazement. I still have no idea how you do that, he said, spot the difference game shaking his head.

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